As a computer owner, you want to have certain basic obedience tips and techniques to keep your computer happy and functioning smoothly. Sometimes you need refreshers or tune-ups. Now and again, you want to learn new tricks!
Many PC consultants approach a problem armed with great technical skills. That’s essential, of course, but secondary to people skills.
I prefer to work WITH you, side-by-side. By calmly sharing my knowledge, you become more self-confident and self-reliant.
My experience with technology goes back to the first days of personal computers. In the late-80’s, I was a writer at a TV station. When my typewriter was replaced with a word-processor, I found it fascinating….a new world to explore and learn.
Soon, I became the “go-to” person at the station for people needing help with their PC. I had learned by doing so it was easy for me to empathize and explain problem-solving steps to my colleagues. I showed them how to make their computers behave!
After fifteen years working as Manager of On-Air Promotion for KGO-TV, five years as Senior Producer of videos at Bank of America, and then Director of Production with a web development company, I left the corporate world in 2000.
The skills I had gained by helping people with their PC’s gave me a new path in life. I started my own business.
The initial idea was to do software training, but soon my “handyman” skills came into play and I discovered I could help with all sorts of computer related issues: computers, phones, printers, wi-fi, email, networks…everything that makes a computer useful.